Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tersely worded blog

North Korea's bomb test seen as troubling progress
and certainly worth a tersely written letter!

Sotomayor and the struggle to be ordinary
It's hard to be humble when you are a "wise Latina woman".

Komodo dragon attacks terrorize Indonesia villages
At least it's not Mothra or the Smog Monster.

Online news fees: financial salvation or suicide?
Well, let's check my bank, goodbye cruel world.

US cancer death rate drops again in 2006
I blame global warming.

New low-cost airline targets smaller markets

Conde Nast Traveler: Guidebook beat smartphones
on a side note: Conde Nast sells guidebooks, not smartphones.

Does Sotomayor practice identity justice?
Discriminatory profiling is something 'wise Latina women' don't do!

Do you know who Captain Queeg, Howard Beale, and Chauncey Gardner are? Yes.

Chrysler heads to court for key bankruptcy hearing
GM says bondholder offer fails; bankruptcy likely
Shouldn't they have done this prior to the multi-billion dollar bailout?

Pa. mom, daughter are rear-ended, report abduction

4 bodies left behind in vacant Ind. funeral home
A nice way to give the new owners a good start.

Boulder cops say 3 dead in planned murder-suicide
Correction: Successful murder-suicide.

Test for early Alzheimer's in late development
What's in late development?

1 comment:

Freebird said...

It's GOLD, Jerry. GOLD.