Monday, August 17, 2009

Barack Chester Obama

Former Gov. Dean calls public option indispensable
"Grandma, on the other hand..."

Obama birthplace flap evokes Chester Arthur debate
If I read this right, did Chester Arthur boink Obama's mama?!

Kiss to release new album at Wal-Mart, Sam's Club
If they do it on a Saturday, you can sample cheesesticks too!

Gay marriage supporters tangle over legal strategy

Liberals complain over Obama concession
Shhh. You had me at 'Liberals Complain'.

AP source: Immigration a topic at White House
Even they are curious about the birth certificate!

Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest
Misleading Headline #1

In the Grip of Indecision
Indeed! Maybe.

1 comment:

Daniella said...

Omg, is NicFitz a believer in the Birther Movement?! I might just pee my pants a little...