Thursday, February 19, 2009

Return of the Blog!

Obama names urban affairs director
If this job doesn't scream "Bill Clinton", I don't know what does.

US fears North Korea power struggle
Breaking News from 1950.

Report: Fetal stem cells trigger tumors in ill boy
I hope they don't become Fatal stem cells.

Fashion sector seeks aid as crisis bites
"Give us billions or people will stop looking Fierce!"

Holder: US a nation of cowards on racial matters
It's true...however, speaking the truth is also considered a hate crime.

You Tell Us: Have you ever been paid off the books?
It looks like Yahoo and the IRS are finally working together!

Killer to be executed in June, court decides
Why put off till tomorrow what can be done today?

Cache of Ice Age fossils found in Los Angeles
and they are known as Nick Nolte & Ed Asner.

Wall Street falls amid ongoing economic concerns
it's not economic concerns, it's 'change'.

Huge gamma-ray blast spotted 12.2 bln light-years from earth

Black ministers may rethink backing Sen. Burris
Isn't that profiling?

Today's Highlight in History:
In 1959, the Dow Jones industrial average closed above 600 for the first time, at 602.21. The stock market isn't dumping, it's just Obama trying to celebrate a 50th anniversary. Way to go Mr. President!


JKS said...

The last 3 were classic, fantastic, and superb all rolled up.

Freebird said...

the last comment was actually me. btw, ken says you are a funny m*F*er.

(614) 465-6055 said...

which comment was yours?

Freebird said...

actually, they both were.