Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Obama at rest.

Confusion in Europe after US demands more security
Sure they're confused. They've always been bleating for more security from us!

Daughter of Jets Owner Dies 3 minutes ago

Now that's on the spot reporting!

Obama golfs, visits zoo on last day in Hawaii
"Obama 'Will Not Rest' Until Healthcare Reformed"*-- May 11
"Obama: 'I Will Not Rest' Until Businesses Are Hiring"*-- Nov. 23
"Obama Says 'We Will Not Rest' Until Plotters Found"*-- Dec. 28
*or I can get a tee-time near a zoo!

Americans' job satisfaction falls to record low
Really, because I am pleased as punch to be employed!

Dems intend to bypass GOP on health compromise
This just in from: All of last year.

Spotty enforcement for new US air screening rules


Freebird said...

It's GOLD, Jerry. GOLD!!

(614) 465-6055 said...

But wait, there's more...