Monday, April 27, 2009

Closer To Thee

Geithner, as Member and Overseer, Forged Ties to Finance Club
I think 'Forged' is a very telling word in this sentence.

More Atheists Shout It From the Rooftops
A little closer to Heaven!

Gay Couples Line Up for Marriage Licenses in Iowa
It's not that they line up, it's how they line up.

As Economic Turmoil Mounts, So Do Attacks on Hungary’s Gypsies
I whacked a couple of them this weekend just for practice!

Study links ADHD medicine with better test scores
What in the world would test scores have to do with...ohh look a squirrel!

Racial disparities persist in higher-paying jobs
Absolutely! Just consider Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, LeBron James, etc.

Gov't won't urge people to wear masks in workplace
unless they're fugly.

Webcam fans mourn Calif. bald eagle chick deaths
Webcam fans need to try my Bald Eagle Chick soup. It's divine!

Republicans push nuclear energy to lower costs
It's clean, renewable and inexpensive. Damn Republican Hippies!

Father of Jamie Lynn Spears' baby injured in crash
"My baby-daddy done got hurt!"

Doctors urge baseline test for prostate cancer
If 'baseline test' elimintates 'finger-in-pooper test', I'm in!

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